Sunday, 30 June 2013

021. Days Out - Beale Park

On Thursday we finally made Amber official by taking her to the registry office and registering her birth!! 

So she is now Officially Amber June Coppin and is part of the big wide world. 

After that we decided to take Isabelle & Amber to Beale park because the weather was lovely and sunny and it is Sean's last week at home before he heads back to work tomorrow (Excuse me while i have a little cry) 

Beale Park is a lovely little wildlife park in Lower Basildon just outside of Reading. It is a wonderful place to take children who love animals and there is plenty to do to allow them to run off some energy. 

Friday, 28 June 2013

020. Product Review - NUK starter set

Product - NUK Starter Set 

Price - £15 - £30 

What they say - NUK First Choice Bottles are designed to be used with First Choice teats.  These teats have a specially designed orthodontic shape and extra wide lip support to simulate breast feeding as closely as possible.  The NUK Anti-Colic Air System helps to prevent colic by allowing air to flow into the bottle through a vent.  This ensures that no air is swallowed during feeding.

The NUK Genius is inspired by experts worldwide and is the new generation of NUK soother. With a softer and stronger baglet, the Genius soother provides a natural soothing experience, and the new handy pouch means the soothers can be kept clean and safe whether at home or out and about.

What I Say - When Amber was born we really struggled to find a bottle that she would be take. At just 6lb she was very small and a lot of teats were either too big for her mouth or the flow was much too fast.  we tried a variety of different bottles from different brands with different prices. It was a frustrating journey which was finally bought to an end when we discovered the NUK starter set.

I was able to buy it only for £15 which was a bargain price. The starter kit contained 2 5oz bottles, 2 9oz bottles, 4 sealing disks, 4 size 1 teats, 2 size 2 teats and 2 my first NUK soother. They came in a lovely gender neutral design, they had plain white tops and a lovely primary colour pattern around the bottle. 

NUK teats are made of soft silicone and have a unique design which is supposed to encourage a more natural latch as it has a flat side which lays against the tongue and a curved side which presses against the roof of the mouth. This is more comfortable for baby whilst feeding and it also prevents any damage to teeth when they start to come through.

Amber took to these bottles instantly. We no longer had fussing as she tried to get a comfortable latch on the teat and the flow was a perfect enough for her as she is very small so drinks very slowly.
I cant comment on the soothers as she has never taken any interest in taking a one, but from looking at them they seem good quality and the Orthodontic silicone teat is lovely and soft.

All in all i am very impressed with the NUK starter kit and would recommend to new and experienced mummies. 

019. Amber's Birth Story

Amber was due on 6th July 2013 and because Isabelle had taken so much encouragement to arrive into the world i wasn't holding my breath that Amber would be any different and she would also be late.

How wrong was i. 

The week before she was born had been a pretty active one for us. We went to the Look out Discovery Centre on the Wednesday and spent the afternoon there as well as climbing to the top of the look out tower and then we went out for dinner. The next day whilst Isabelle was at nursery i had a tidy up around the house and then for whatever reason decided it would be a good idea to play Just Dance 4 on the Kinect, i did this with Isabelle too to try and get her into position but it clearly didn't help as she arrived 10 days after due date. Amber obviously wasn't impressed in the slightest as that night she decided to make it known that her arrival was imminent.

Wednesday, 26 June 2013

018. I'm Back :D

So over 2 weeks ago my beloved mac book decided it was going to take it's last breath and die on me. 
I was absolutely gutted especially seeing as i had only just started to get back into the swing of blogging and also because i have all the pictures i have ever taken of Isabelle and other things in the last 3 years. 

Luckily i am able to get all the files recovered from the Mac book so all is not lost (Well other then the £65 it will cost me to get them back). 

Anyway, what has happened in the last 2 weeks?

I made another little person. 

Welcome Amber June, she was born on Sunday 16th June 2013 at 7:22am weighing a minuscule 6lb 8oz. She arrived 3 weeks early after my waters broke on the Friday morning before she was born.

I will update you all with more pictures and a birth story as soon as possible. Isabelle is absolutely loving being a big sister and i am so proud of how well they are both doing.

Sean bought me a new laptop as a "push present" and i cant be more grateful because now it means i can get back into blogging and share with you all my baby girls growing up.

It is pretty safe to say i am one very very proud mummy!! 

Monday, 10 June 2013

017. My Laptop has died :'(

My laptop has died :( well and truly this time and its the 4th time the same problem has caused it to break so I won't be paying out to fix it again :( 

Blog posts will be a bit slack until I can borrow a laptop or buy a new one so I apologies in advance 


RIP Maccy!!

Saturday, 8 June 2013

016. Pregnancy Update - 36 Weeks

4 Weeks to go.

How far along: 36 Weeks 

How big is baby: The size of a Romaine Lettuce - About 18inches & 6lbs

Maternity Clothes:  Feel like i've barely dressed this week, its either pyjamas or shorts & vest if dozing in the garden and then i'll chuck on a pair of jeans to do the Nursery run.  

Stretch marks: No new ones this week

Sleep: Cramps and backaches have been keeping me awake this week.

Best moment this week: Enjoying the sunshine, its lovely spending lots of time in the garden.

Belly button in or out:  Still an inny

Craving: Ice, and anything juicy.

What I miss: Feeling human. 

What am I looking forward to: Feeling human.

Friday, 7 June 2013

015. Growing Up - Isabelle is 21 Months

Is it really only 3 months until my tiny little baby is 2 years old? Has time really gone that fast? It really is true that you blink and miss half of their childhood as it flashes before your eyes.

In the last month Isabelle has really started to amaze me with the things she can do and the things she can say. How much her personality has developed and changed is amazing to watch and everyday she does something new.

Animals, Mr Tumble, Playing outside, Books, Dancing, Drawing. 

Bedtime, sitting anywhere for longer then 5 minutes (unless it involves one of the above), being told no, sitting in her pushchair. 

She will repeat almost anything you say to her but her new spontaneous words are Orange, Crossiant, books, garden, shops, dinner, a few of her friends names, horse, sister, baby. 

Count unadded from 1-4, Count with help 1-6, drink confidently from an open top cup, jump, climb down the stairs on 2 feet holding your hand,  settle herself to sleep without her dummy. 

Wednesday, 5 June 2013

014. The A-Z of me

A. Age: 24.
B. Bed size: Kingsize. 
C. Chore that you hate: Washing up, i have a phobia of soggy food, food in plug holes and scuzzy water so i avoid it like the plague!!
D. Dogs: We have an 8 year old bitza (Bitsa this, bitsa that) terrier called Bam. We rescued him from Binfield Dog Rescue when he was 18 months old. He is a lovely natured dog and Isabelle adores him. We also have Booboo (well we actually have 4) which is a pink half dog/half blanket that is very well loved by a certain toddler. 
E. Essential start to your day: Tea or Coffee, something to wake me up. 
F. Favorite color: Purple.
G. Gold or Silver: Silver.
H. Height: 5'4".
I. Instruments you play: None very well, i can kind of play the recorder and kind of play the keyboard. 
J. Job title: Nursery Nurse & Mummy.
K. Kids: One Beautiful little girl called Isabelle and another on the way!
L. Live: South East England.
M. Mother’s name: Jacqui.
N. Nicknames: Charlotte or Charly 
O. Overnight hospital stays: I've had a few for different reasons, the longest was 3 days when i was in having Isabelle. 
P. Pet peeves: Bad Spelling & Grammar, people who invade personal space.
Q. Quote from a movie: So what's the prognosis fertile mertile? Minus or Plus?
R. Right or left handed: Right.
S. Siblings: An Older brother 
U. Underwear: Yes
V. Vegetable you hate: I don't think i've found one yet. 
W. What makes you run late: Being disorganised, but i am very rarely late to anything. 
X. X-Rays you’ve had: A few but the main ones where of my chest when i was 4 and swallowed a 5p coin and they wanted to find the placement of it, and then when i was 14 when i broke my wrist. 
Y. Yummy food that you make: I make pretty good pasta dishes.

Z. Zoo animal: Chimpanzees 

013. Wordless Wednesday - Sunshine

Tuesday, 4 June 2013

012. Website Review - Zulily UK

Website Review - Zulily Uk


What They Say: zulily is fabulous! It's a new online store offering daily sales events on top-quality apparel, gear and other goodies for mums, babies and kids. We carry the best brands at the lowest prices. Members enjoy savings of up to 90% off retail prices. zulily loves to find deals on favourite styles, and we love introducing our members to exciting new brands, too.

What I Say: I absolutely love Zulily, they have a huge variety of products they have available and for such great prices. 
They offer a loyalty scheme which means if you recommend their site to another member then they will credit your account with £10 once their first order has been dispatched.  This means if you have a few friends who are interested in using the site you could get a few extra birthday or Christmas presents without spending a penny, or you could treat yourself too. 

They mainly specialise in children's clothes, toys and maternity wear but you will also find great deals on home wares, jewellery and woman's clothing. 

The downsides of Zulily is because it is event based shopping once the items are gone, they are gone. So you need to get in quickly if there is something in particular you are after, but Zulily help to make sure you don't miss out by sending you daily emails about the events and they also have an Iphone app and an Android app which send you push notifications every morning to notify you of the events.

I have had two personal issues with Zulily since becoming a customer of theirs. One being when they had over sold on a product that i had ordered, but they were very apologetic and credited my account with £10 for the trouble and the other time when an item i received was damaged which they again were very apologetic about and refunded me the cost of the item and gave me £10 credit.

I regularly buy from Zulily and have bought a lot of Isabelle's clothes and baby items from them which i has helped me to save money. As any parent knows it is always a bonus when you are able to save a few extra pennies on the necessities so you are able to put them away towards some of the luxuries. 

Would I Buy Again?: Yes, i have and will continue to use Zulily regularly. For the prices you pay and the quality of items you get you would be mad to miss out on some of the great events Zulily have to offer. 

Monday, 3 June 2013

011. Isabelle's Birth Story

To say i had a plain sailing, smooth running labour with Isabelle would be a slight fib. However, she was totally worth it!! 

Isabelle was due to be born on 28th August 2011, but she wasn't keen on making her arrival on her due date, or any time after that so they decided to induce me on Sunday 4th September 2011. I went in to Frimley park Hospital at 8am in the morning. 

After being checked for any progress they said i wasn't dilated or effaced at all so they decided to the use the propess and i had that put in at 945. By 5pm that evening my contractions had started properly.
 The night wasn't too bad, although the back ache i had from her being back to back was a nuisance and it stopped me from sleeping so they gave me a doss of pethidine to help ease the pain and let me get some sleep.

At 10am on Monday morning they told me i was 100% effaced and 2cm dilated and they wanted to break my waters to bring me along so they planned to move me to Central delivery suite on later in the day once they had a bed for me but i actually didn't get moved there until 10am on Tuesday morning.

The Monday night was a bit more of a struggle but i wanted to try and avoid any more pethidine so i ended up having a very long bath which lasted almost 4 hours , i was very pruney in the end and had lots of concerned knocks on the doors from midwives but thankfully they were happy for me to stay in there as long as i needed. Unfortunately though when i got out of the bath the contractions were getting stronger and they suggested another dose of pethidine just to give me a few hours sleep. 

Once on Sunday night and twice on Monday night Isabelle's heart rate dropped really low so they got a bit concerned and started monitoring me a bit more frequently which made it harder to rest because they kept waking me up. 

They broke my waters at 12 on Tuesday and Isabelle had soiled herself so they kept a closer eye on me because obviously the risk of 
meconium aspiration. One they broke my waters the contractions really started to kick in, they sent me for a walk around the hospital to get things moving as i was still no more dilated then the day before but i got half way round and the pain was doubling me over it was horrible. I got back to the ward and they suggest i try some gas and air to ease it a little more.

That was the worst stuff i have ever experienced in my life, it made me feel dizzy, drunk the pain didn't reduce at all and Sean and my mum said it turned me crazy because every time i took it i was still in pain so i would start grabbing at my hair and stamping my feet to distract from the pain. 

It also started to make me pass out and feel really faint so my midwife suggested i have an epidural because she said i would not be able to carry on without any stronger pain relief, i was really disappointed in myself when i finally gave in and had it because i wanted a natural birth, but i really wouldn't have been able to carry on.  So i had that at 5pm on Tuesday evening.

After the epidural i was able to sleep and managed to sleep on and off until 11pm. During this time they had decided to put me on the drip to help me dilate because i was still at only 2cm.

Isabelle's heart rate had also dropped on and off many times and they were getting quiet concerned about her so attached a monitor to her head from the inside to get a more accurate reading. 

At 1am i was fully dilated but they wanted to wait another 2 hours for Isabelle to try and move herself down the birth canal a bit more, they watched the monitor continuously to make sure she didn't get to distressed and then at 3:30 am i started to push. 

I pushed for an hour and 15 minutes but every time i pushed they noticed her heart rate was dropping and then she would move back up.

That was when they decided to make the decision of doing an assisted delivery because i was so tired, i was starting to get a lot of pain again and Isabelle was getting really distressed. 
They decided that they were going to take me down to theatre and try forceps delivery first and then if that failed a c-section.

From this moment it all went so fast, i remember being told to read a yellow piece of paper and to sign it, it was all such a blur though that i cant remember what was going on or any of the information on the paper. All i remember was asking to go to the toilet but they wouldn't let me. Unfortunately only one person could come down with me so Mum waited in the delivery room for us, i cant imagine how stressful that must have been for her, seeing her daughter being taken away and not being able to do anything to help, and i appreciate it even more now having my own child and knowing how helpless you can feel when there is nothing you can do for them. She told me it was the longest wait she has ever had in her life even though it was less then an hour from me leaving her to the midwife coming to tell her Isabelle had arrived. 

On our way down to theatre the nerves kicked in and i started shaking uncontrollably, the midwives got concerned but Sean told them it was something i did when i got overly tired or anxious and the doctor agreed with him that it was probably just the rush of adrenaline with everything moving so fast.  It was then that i was sick a few times, but because all i had drank for 48 hours was tropical juice and I'd had no food it was just all liquid. To this day every time i smell tropical juice it reminds me of that exact moment of being taken to theatre. 

Sean was given scrubs to put on and he came down with me, he was asked to sit in the corner of the room whilst i had my spinal block put in and it all started at 545am. The room was the scariest place i have ever seen, it was a huge white room and on the wall was a great big, bright red digital clock. It all looked so sterile and harsh and the bright lighting made me feel really woozy. There also seemed to be hundreds of people coming in and out and rushing about. 

The weirdest thing is whilst doing forceps they still ask you to push but you actually cant feel yourself pushing in the end they stopped waiting for my contractions and just told me to continuously push against them as they pulled her out which was so difficult. The Midwife was pushing down on my stomach and Sean was by my side constantly stroking my hair and telling me everything would be ok. He was such an amazing support and i couldn't have wished for a better birthing partner. 

After 17 minutes Isabelle Rose Coppin eventually came into the world at 06:02am on Wednesday 7th September 2011 weighing 8lb 12oz.

Isabelle's very first picture

They discovered that along with not only being a big baby at 8lb 12, she was chin up and had a short cord which had got looped around her neck so i had no hope of pushing her out on my own, She really didn't want to make it easy for mummy.

After Isabelle was cleaned up and i was stitched up, we were taken down to recovery, the midwife had told mum to meet us in the corridor as we were leaving theatre so she would be able to see us both before we headed down to recovery. It was so lovely being able to see her and show her my baby but it broke my heart having to see her go off alone after such a manic few days. Thankfully though she went to my aunts house who kept her company until she was able to come back up to the hospital.

My Precious baby girl

So in total from the time contractions really kicked in until she was born it was a very up and down 61 hours but i wouldn't have changed it.

Saturday, 1 June 2013

008. Pregnancy Update - 35 Weeks

5 weeks to go

How far along: 35 Weeks 

How big is baby: The size of a Honeydew Melon - About 18inches & 5 1/4lbs 

Maternity Clothes: All my trousers are maternity now but i can still get away with most longline stretchy tops. 

Stretch marks: Unfortunately :'( But they aren't too bad so i can't really complain. 

Sleep: Once asleep I'm not doing to badly staying asleep. but morning and nights are getting difficult. It seems to be when my hips are at their worse.

Best moment this week: Last day of work for Maternity leave :) Now i have 5 weeks to spend with Isabelle and get everything in order and ready for baby A's arrival.

Belly button in or out: Inny. I'd be surprised if it did pop. it didn't with Isabelle.

Craving: Ice, Its always ice haha.

What I miss: Being able to walk properly. Bending down to pick things up, getting out of bed easily, being able to pick up Isabelle for cuddles instead of her having to climb onto my lap.

What am I looking forward to: Meeting her.