Monday, 27 May 2013

005. "Me time"

I am currently sat on a camp bed by the edge of a gorgeous lake in hampshire admiring the view on what can only be describes as one of England's  "sunny" days! 

We came here last night with friends so Sean could have a night of fishing and we could spend some quality time together "child free" before Baby girl number 2 makes her arrival. Isabelle had a sleepover with Nanny and is spending some quality time with her today going to feed the ducks! 

So I thought what better chance to start another blog post.

When you first plan to have a child I don't think you truly understand how much your life is actually going to change and how many sacrifices you will have to make in order to live your life around this small person who takes up every single second of your time.

Long gone are nights out partying, quiet romantic meals and weekends away, in return you get nights in front of the telly, chaotic family meals and day trips to the zoo or farm!

Personally, I prefer the later.

The first time I left Isabelle alone after she was born was for a night out and few drinks for a friends birthday. Isabelle was 7 months old. Even then she stayed with her Dad and I came home that evening.

The first night I spent a whole evening away from her was when I was admitted into hospital just before Christmas because of suspected gallstones. That night she spent with her Dad. It was the oddest night of my life, I kept worrying over silly things that were out of my control, even though I knew Sean was perfectly capable of looking after her and to be honest she probably wouldn't even have noticed I was away! I missed her far more then I expect she missed me.

Then last night was the very first time Isabelle has been away from both Sean and I at the same time for a whole day and night! She loves spending time with her Nanny and even though I am a nervous wreck wondering what she is doing, if anything bad has happened I know she will have loved every second. 

When we go out with friends Isabelle generally comes with us, we have never hired a baby sitter it is always Sean or myself that stays in with her if we can't both go and on the odd occasion Nanny will baby sit but we like it this way.

We are very lucky to have friends that enjoy spending time with us as well as our children even though they don't have children themselves, and we have never wanted nor needed to hire a babysitter for "me time"!

I am not judging anyone who hires a baby sitter for days/nights/weekends. In fact  maybe I am a little jealous that I don't have as much free reign to go out and paint the town like I did pre-children but its these are the choices I made when I had children and that's what I enjoy!

So with that I will carry on snoozing on my camp bed, enjoying the weather (whilst the rain holds off) and see what the rest of my bank holiday has to offer.

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