Thursday 8 August 2013

039. Train Rides

Due to writing my car off last week (don't worry we are all fine) i decided that the only way i could carry on getting Isabelle to nursery would be to take her by train.

Her nursery is normally only a 25 minute car journey during rush hour, so taking the train wasnt too much longer of a journey. We would just have to walk to the train station, get the train which is only an 8 minute journey, then it is a 15 minute walk from there.

The only downside is.....i am the laziest person you will ever meet. I just don't walk. Unless it is round a shopping center, zoo or somewhere else of interest then i wont do it. I have to have a nice view and something to keep my mind occupied. I drive even the shortest distances which in reality would probably be quicker to walk. 

Anyway, our little train journey ended up surprising me and i actually really enjoyed it!

 We left the house at 7:30 with Booboo and Sulley in toe and made the walk to the train station, where we live it is quiet a rural area so if you take the time to walk and notice what is going on around you, its actually quite nice. 

Isabelle doesnt go in the pushchair often, she usually rides on her buggy board but i wasnt brave enough for that on our first journey so i had Amber in the sling and Isabelle in the pushchair. It gave me and Isabelle the chance to have a chat and talk about the things she saw. You could see she was deep in thought during the walk and would point to things and say "See tree?" "See Birds?" "See Cars?" and many other phrases along those lines. 

Once we got to the train station Isabelle got very excited once we got on the train and she was able to look out of the window and see what was passing by. 
It was mainly lots of trees but she made sure everyone else in the carriage knew about the trees by shouting "Trees, look trees" at everyone she saw.

The walk from the train station to the nursery is along country roads so we were able to see lots of horses in their fields and even though it was very much up hill and my legs started to feel very sore it didnt take very long and we were at Nursery by 8:10. Just in time for breakfast! 

Not having a car has it's plus sides. I didnt realise how enjoyable a simple walk out exploring the local area could be. Isabelle really enjoyed it and so did i. 

We have to get the train to Isabelle's hospital appointment on Monday so i will be sure to take more pictures to share with you then too! 

Wednesday 7 August 2013

038. Growing Up - Isabelle is 23 months

The weather this month has been beautiful, we have had such a lovely time being able to go out and about and learn new things. 
A trip to Monkey world was definitaly Isabelle's favourite thing and she was telling people about it for days afterwards.

She is still an amazing sister and i still get surprised by how much she wants to help me and how loving she is towards Amber. They are going to grow up so close, i can just see it now!!
Isabelle's favourite thing of all time this month is Monsters Inc, she adores it. Whatever she is doing will revolve in some way or another around monsters inc, Her favourite charecter is Sulley.

Isabelle drawing a picture of Sully

Wearing a nappy or having her nappy changed. Isabelle has loved the no nappy time we have had in the garden due to the lovely weather and I really want to potty train Isabelle because she really is starting to dislike nappy time but i dont think we are quite there yet. She will tell us when she has a dirty nappy and will tell us when she is going but we havent quite got the grips of the feeling before. 

Maybe next month?
Isabelle has started stringing together 2 and 3 word sentences. She also copies everything she hears you say. She has got so much better with her spontaneous talking and will tell you what she wants, how she is feeling.

Isabelle can now count from 1-10 completely unaided. She also knows circle, square & triangle and most of her colours. She knows red, yellow, orange, green & black. She still gets confused between purple and pink though. 

Monday 5 August 2013

037. Pet Hates

I stole this idea from the lovely Limara
There are so many things that really wind a person up and i have a list as long as my arm with things that really grind my gears, i wont bore you with them all but I'll share my top 3.
Pet hates -

1) Judgemental Parents
2) Skinny "fat" people
3) Idiots

Explained -

1) Judgemental Parenting
There is nothing worse then people who judge your parenting, actually...there is nothing worse then someone who judges your parenting and they aren't even a parent!! 
Since i had Isabelle nearly 2 years ago, and even before then whilst i was pregnant you would always come across someone who has "advice" on your style of parenting. Some of the advice is brilliant and you accept it with open arms, but other advice is not needed, nor is it wanted!! 
Being a parent you will always have things that other parents disagree with. 
Formula Vs Breastfeeding? Attachment parenting vs Traditional parenting? Puree Weaning vs Baby led weaning?

Whatever it is everyone will disagree. What happened to just parenting the way you parent because that is what you are comfortable with rather then what Sally, Jill and Katy from Toddler group think, Or what Auntie Beryl did with her children. 

Everyone parents their way for a reason, do what you feel comfortable with don't worry about what others think.

2) Skinny "fat" People
Everybody knows a skinny "fat" person. Usually it is your absolutely gorgeous, size 8, petite friend who eats like a horse and doesn't put on an ounce. Then you're sat there with your bland salad picking around the wilted lettuce putting on lb after lb just thinking about the chocolate cake that you've spotted on the menu but have to avoid.
Skinny fat people always complain about how fat they are, how they need to lose weight and how they need to exercise and get fit. 
If you are going to complain about being fat when their isn't a single bit of fat on your bones then don't complain near me or I'll throw my cake at you (i wont really...that would be a waste).

3) Idiots
They are everywhere, and it seems that people who are idiots don't actually realise they are idiots.
The funny thing is, some of the biggest idiots i know are really quite book smart. It just seems to be common sense they are so lacking in. They seem to have the "Idiot filter" switched off on their brain so there is nothing telling them what to say out loud and what to keep in the privacy of their own mind. 
It seems also that with more and more people using twitter, facebook, forums etc these Idiots have more access to infecting the world with their stupidity. I am often on forums or reading through my twitter feed and stop suddenly after reading someones post and think to myself "Did i really just read that". 
This pet hate kind of goes hand in hand with my number 1 pet hate. Judgemental parents giving idiotic advice about what they think is best for your child or opinions on what they think you should be doing. You often wonder how anyone would let these sort of people breed!!

 What are your pet hates? What really grinds your gears? I'd love to know

Saturday 3 August 2013

036. Guest blogging over at Wriggly Rascals

I was lucky enough to be asked by Wriggly Rascals to write a blog post for their website about sending your children to Nursery when they are poorly!!

Wriggly Rascals is a great site for new and experienced parents to look for advice, fill out surveys and earn points. I really suggest you should all go and sign up. There really is something for everyone.

You can view my blog post here and whilst you are there why not share your experiences here too by filling out their survey!!